
Science Policy 2020

Science Rationale

Please click the links below to read more about Science at St. Peter’s: These are our Long Term Plans and End Point Curricula

Science Year 1

Science Year 2

Science Year 3

Science Year 4

Science Year 5

Science Year 6

British Science Week

To celebrate British Science Week, each class took part in a Space-themed investigation. Children made rockets, craters, tested materials for an astronaut nappy and tested rocks and soils that may be on other planets!

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Stargazing Night

Here we are enjoying our activities at our stargazing evening. We made telescopes, marshmallow constellations and rocket mice, enjoyed drinking hot chocolate and had a look for stars and planets through the real telescopes!

Year 5 at Jodrell Bank

Year 5 had a great time visiting Jodrell Bank where they learnt all about Space. The children were captivated by the space dome presentation as well the experiments led by the staff at the museum. They also had chance to explore the different exhibitions and use the equipment around the grounds.

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World Space Week

Each class celebrated World Space Week from 4th-10th October in their own way. Here are some photos of the activities they took part in:

Science Video

Wonder Dome

To celebrate World Space Week, all children from Nursery to Year 6 enjoyed a visit to the Wonder Dome, learning about the wonders of Space in this unique space. This was a fantastic experience which was thoroughly enjoyed by the children.

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Living Eggs

We learned about new life and the life cycle of a chicken when we looked after ‘living eggs’. We saw chicks hatch and enjoyed observing and feeling the baby chicks when they were only a few days old!

Living Eggs video

Rocket Mice!

We had fun in Science club making rocket mice! We used air power to launch them from special launch stations (plastic bottles). We experimented with different sized bottles to see which worked the best!

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Magic Bubbling Potions

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Growing Rainbows in Science club

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Investigating in Year 1

Some cheeky animals came to our school, ate some of Zoe’s dinners and then left a big mess in our classroom on the way out! We used our investigation skills to try to work out which animals did it by searching through the poo for clues! Some contained only grass and plants, some contained only bones and some contained both. We found out that some animals are herbivores (only eating plants), some are carnivores (only eating meat) and some are omnivores (eat both plants and meat).

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