Year 3

Teacher – Miss Cooper

Teaching Assistants – Mrs Woodhouse and Mrs Meola

Welcome to Year 3

Here you will find updates of what we have been learning about in class and links to help with homework.

Year 3 Autumn Planner

Year 3 Prayers

Please find a copy of the prayers that we use in school. You can also use this at home. Year 3 Prayer Booklet

Knowledge Organisers

Please note we are unable to display some knowledge organisers due to copyright. If you would like access to missing knowledge organisers for art, D&T or computing, please contact school and we’ll be happy to provide these.

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Art Art    Art Art  
Computing Contact us Contact us Contact us Contact us Contact us
N/A  N/A Contact us N/A  D&T
French       French
  History   History   History
Music       Music  
Science Science  Science Science Science Science

Please click on the link for strategies to help your child learn important number facts:

Number Facts 1

Number Facts 2


This term we have been learning about soils, at the end of our unit we made our own fossils using items from the environment, shells and some dinosaurs. The children enjoyed learning about how fossils are formed and loved creating their own fossil!


This week we have been learning about what people ate in the Stone Age and how they gathered their food. We know that the way hunter-gatherers got their food changed from the Paleolithic and Neolithic times. The children had to be hunter-gatherers and move around the environment to find some different foods but they had to be careful that they did not pick any poisonous plants! After the lesson, we thought about how the world has changed and how we gather our food now in comparison to those in the past.


This term we have been looking at different soils and their properties. We had to test the different soils and observe which soil absorbed the most amount of water. Once the children had tested the different soils, they presented their data on a bar graph.


Last half term, we were learning about databases in computing. At first, we made our own comparison cards and thought about how easy it was to find information from a field in the record. We then looked at some electronic databases and thought about how we can sort this information to make it easier to compare and find. Finally, we made our own database on the computers. The children enjoyed thinking about and looking at how databses are used in real life.

Alice in Wonderland Day

Year 3 had a lovely time last half term on their ‘Alice in Wonderland Day’. The children invited their parents and grandparents in to join them at a Mad Hatters Tea Party! We had tea, coffee and some yummy toast! Afterwards, we played games and made our own Mad Hatter hats!


This week we have been learning to investigate patterns, colours and styles used in Ancient Egyptian art. After we looked at the different pieces of art, we then created our own patterns. Then, we looked at how different colours are made and began to design an Ancient Egyptian scroll. The children had lots of fun exploring different patterns and styles and are looking forward to creating their scroll next week!

Forest School

We had a wonderful time at Forest School. It was our first time outside in our Forest School Area. We had some free time where we worked as a team to create a campfire, some of us planted trees around the area whilst the rest of us made some fabric poppies for Remembrance Day. We all had a lovely time and enjoyed working together cooperatively.

Annunciation drawings


We have had lots of fun this week for our DT topic of learning. Our theme was ‘Food from around the world’. First, we had to guess where different fruit and vegetables come from and why their climate is important for their growth. We decided to use fruits that come from Asia, we made our very own ‘Japanese Fruit Skewers’ which we made using watermelon, strawberry, plum and banana. We then drizzled plum sauce over the top and placed them under the grill. The children loved them!

Then we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of ‘food miles’. The children completed some research around the benefits and drawbacks. We learnt that food miles can be bad for the environment as they are transported from different countries, however, we know they are important so we can enjoy different foods all year round! We looked at the fruit and vegetables that are grown in the UK during autumn and winter. After researching this information, we made our own berry fruit crumble and vegetable tarts. We also linked our learning to science and looked at the health benefits of different fruits and vegetables. Using this information, we designed and created our own vegetable tarts for Jack from our story Jack and the Bakedbean Stalk.


This week, we have been learning how to play our new musical instruments! The children had lots of fun and are ready to show their families what they have learnt so far!


In RE, we have been learning about the first sacrament – Baptism.

We acted out a mock role play and baptised the teddies in our class.  We thought carefully about the sign and symbols used during baptism.


This week, we have been learning about our family and the families we belong to. Today, we explored how Christians are welcomed to the Christian family through the sacrament of Baptism. We then thought about how we can live our lives like Jesus taught us to. The children created their own mission which explains how they are going to show love like Jesus taught them to.


This term we have been learning about the Stone Age.  In Art we have been learning to create prehistoric art. We have made our own ‘Cave Paintings’ using different materials. Then, we gathered out own natural materials (twigs, moss and leaves) to create our own art work. Finally, we had to make our own paint using flour, water and different spices! You can see some of our work below! 


This week we have been looking at our new book, ‘How to was a woolly mammoth’.  We created these adverts for some new soap for any pre-historic animals.

Space Week!

In Year 3, we have been learning about Rocks and Soils. This week, NASA asked us to complete a special mission. We had to conduct an experiment to test which soil absorbs the most water so astronauts can use it to grow food. First, we had to think of a key question for our experiment, we came up with ‘Which type of soil absorbs the most water?’ Then, we thought about our how we would complete the experiment. We knew that we had to keep some things the same and change others. We decided to keep the amount of soil, water, and time the same, but we decided that we should change the soils each time. The children enjoyed conducting and gathering data. In our next lesson, we are going to present our data in a table to conclude which soil is best. You can see us completing this experiment and some examples of our work.

Science – Rocks Experiment

This week, we have been deepening our learning in Science by looking at the different properties of rocks. We had to look for three key features – whether the rock is porous, durable and we had to test the density of the rocks. The children were intrigued and could present their data in a table. Next week, we will be looking at different rocks found in the home and why these are used. Can you find any rocks in your home?

Art Line Drawings

We have started our new topic ‘Prehistoric Painting’, we are going to be linking our History learning with our Art learning. Today, the children looked at some prehistoric animals. We had to closely observe the shapes we could see in the animal’s body. We then had to try and incorporate these shapes in our drawings. You can see some examples of our work below.

Science – Rocks

In Science, we have started our new topic ‘Rocks’. Today, we had to become ‘Rock Investigators!’. We had to go on an investigation around the school grounds to find different items – we know that the floor, wall, trimmings, buildings etc. are all made from different types of rocks. We then had to describe the properties of rocks. We then learnt about the three natural rocks that occur all around us.

Stone Age Homework

The children have created some fantastic Stone Age homes during their half term holiday. Others have created posters about the different stages of the Stone Age, about different aspects of life, posters about animals from the Stone Age. Some even wrote their own poems! You have done a fantastic job Year 3, well done!


This week, we have been learning about statistics. So far, we have learnt about bar charts and pictograms. We had to collect our own data about the children’s favourite subjects in Year 3. We had to create a table to collect our data, then we had to create a key for our pictogram and finally draw our chart to represent our data!

Alice in Wonderland Day

We had a fabulous time at school last Friday! We came to school as characters from our core text ‘Alice in Wonderland’. During the day, we wrote our final version of Alice in Wonderland, we made our own tea plates, we played some games, and we completed some crafts. We had so much fun!

Magic Drinks

In English, we have been learning about the book ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by Emma Chichester. The children were very excited as they had received a letter from Wonderland. Year 3 had been asked to become inventors at the ‘Wonderland Shop’, the children were very intrigued and wanted to make a start! First, we had to design our own magic drinks, then we had to write a letter to our local supermarket, Tesco, asking them to sell our drinks. Finally, we had to write a set of instructions to help the creatures in Wonderland make our drinks. Here you can see us making our very own ‘Magic Drinks’, they were yummy!!


In maths, we have been learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide using money. First, we had to identify the coins and then we had to make different amounts using the same coins. We had lots of fun using our timestables and division knowledge to help us solve the different problems!


In RE, we read the story of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a tax collector, he collected too much money which made him very rich. One day, Jesus came to visit the town, Zacchaeus could not see so he climbed a tree. Jesus invited Zacchaeus to his house, the people were furious! Then, Zacchaues decided to change his ways and decided to give the money back to the people and decided to collect money for charity instead. The children had a good understanding of the story and enjoyed acting it out together.



In Maths, we have been learning to measure weight, length, and volume. To consolidate our learning, we had to complete some different activities involving all three measurements. Here you can see the children learning using the different equipment.


In Science, we have been learning about different forces, we explored the different forces in our classroom. We found push, pull and twist forces in our classroom! The next week, we had to look at how well a toy car would move on different surfaces. Here you can see us trying out different surfaces and testing to see how far the car travelled. We completed a table of results to show which surface allowed the car to move the furthest.

Right angles in 2D shapes

In Maths, we have been learning to find right-angles in 2D shapes. We had a look at different 2D shapes and had to sort them into two categories – no right-angles, and right-angles. The children were all engaged and could use their angle finder to support their learning. Later in the week, we moved onto learning about acute and obtuse angles, we know that an obtuse angle is bigger than 90 degrees and acute angles are less than 90 degrees. We then looked at different capital letters, we sorted the capital letters into categories based on the angles they had, we used a Venn-diagram to sort the letters.

Prayer Sponsor Party

This week, we had a wonderful time at our ‘Prayer Sponsor Party’. The children gathered with their families, friends and parishioners who are keeping our Year 3 children in their prayers as they make the first steps on their next sacramental journey. The children played ‘church bingo’ and then we sang ‘This Little Light of Mine’ – each child gave a prayer sponsor a candle so they can keep them in their prayers.

Magnetic Materials

In Science, we have now moved onto finding magnetic materials. The children were presented with a tray of items. They had to make a prediction to test which materials would be magnetic and which were not. Once the children made a prediction and recorded it in a table, we then tested the materials. The children were very engaged in the learning and could then complete their table with their findings from their experiment.

Today we played a French game

Design and Technology

We have had lots of fun this week for our DT Day. Our theme was ‘Food from around the world’. First, we had to guess where different fruit and vegetables come from, we then researched where these fruits originated. We decided to use these fruits to create our own ‘Rainbow Fruit Skewers’, the children had to chop the fruit carefully using the bridging method. Then, we wanted to make a pizza, however, we wanted to ensure that our pizza was healthy, as in science we have been learning about the importance of a healthy diet and the need for a variety of nutrients when cooking. For our pizza base we used natural yoghurt and flour, we topped it with peppers, red onion, cheese, ham, and tomatoes. Finally, we wanted to end the day with a dessert, so we made an apple crumble. The children had to carefully peel the apples and chop them up into small squares. The children had lots of fun creating all the different food and enjoyed learning new skills.


Recently we have been looking at the short animation ‘Treasure.’ We have done lots of work surrounding this animation including descriptive writing, letter writing and debates.

On Tuesday, we received a letter from Tameside City Council explaining that they are planning to demolish the Log Lane Tip – the children had to decide whether they wanted to save or destroy the tip. We shared our ideas and had a fantastic debate. The children are going to write a letter to Mr Jonathan Reynolds persuading him to either destroy or save Lodge Lane Junkyard Site!


This week in Maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. The children have been using different methods to help them calculate their 3, 4 and 8 timetables.


In Science, our topic this half term is ‘Animals Including Humans.’ Over the past 2 weeks, we have been looking at the human body. We have been looking at what humans need to survive, their skeleton and how the different parts of the skeleton protect the human body.

This week, we have been making links with Science and D&T, we have designed and made our very own vegetable soup!




Map reading

Our geography topic for this half term is Europe. We have been using the atlas to find and identify the countries in Europe.


This week in Maths we have been using Dienes to make two and three digit numbers.

Dictionary work

This week in English we have been using the dictionaries to find the meanings of words. We have made cross-curricular links by finding words from our science work, as we are learning about nutrition.