Year 1

A warm welcome to Year 1 from Mrs Billance and Mrs Woodhouse.

In Year 1, our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. Learning through play will continue to be an important part of the school day, and the children will gradually be eased into more formal learning as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners.

Please do not hesitate to come and see us either before or after school if you have any questions or queries. Before school we would ask that you come in before 8.40am, as we need to ensure we welcome the children on time and with our full attention.

If you wish to contact us, please either telephone the office or you can also email us at Please be aware that teachers may not be able to respond to emails immediately and all matters that need handling promptly should be directed to the office, or by speaking to us before or after school.

We hope that your child has a happy and fun year in Year 1 – we look forward to seeing them shine every day 😊

Just a few reminders:  
Staffing structure:
Class teacher: Mrs Billance
Teaching assistant: Mrs Woodhouse

PE Kits
Please make sure your child’s PE kit is fully labelled and in school. These will be kept on your child’s peg until the end of each half term when they will be sent home for washing. Our PE day is Thursday and in Autumn 1 we will also be changing for Dance on Wednesdays.

Reading books
Year 1 is a really important year for children’s reading development. Once your child has been issued with a book, please read with your child every night and note a brief comment in their reading record about how they did. Please send their reading book and record in every day. We will move your child to the next book when they are confident with the book they are on. We will read with your child at least once per week and plentiful reading opportunities will also be embedded into the curriculum and during their free learning time.

Your child will receive a set of spellings every Monday – please help your child to learn these (reading and writing) at home for a little spelling challenge on Fridays.

Homework will be given out on a Friday – one piece of English and one piece of Maths. It will usually be a consolidation of what we have been learning about in class and should not take longer than around 15-20 minutes. Please return homework books on a Monday morning.  

Water bottles
Children need to bring a labelled bottle of water into school. 

If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 1 Team 😊

Year 1 Prayers

Please find a copy of the prayers that we use in school. You can also use this at home: Year 1 Prayer Booklet 


Please check this page regularly for updates below about what your child has been doing in school!