Wonder Dome
To celebrate National Space Week, all children from Nursery to Year 6 enjoyed a visit to the Wonder Dome, learning about the wonders of Space in this unique space. This was a fantastic experience which was thoroughly enjoyed by the children.
Easter Chicks 2021
We welcomed some chicks to St Peter’s and the children loved watching their progress from egg to chick. Here are some pictures and videos of them.
Art Competition 2020
Well done to the competition winners and thank you for all your hard work.
St. Peter and St. Paul’s Day
The children of the Year 2 and Year 3 bubble presented Father Philip with a Thank You card for their special treat on St Peter’s and St Paul’s day.
Ascension Thursday
We walked up to Cheetham’s Park and released our balloons to mark Ascension Day.
VE Day in school
This year we had a very special anniversary to celebrate. The 75th Anniversary of VE Day. We had a special history day planned around this, but we have had to celebrate on a smaller scale in school. We have made cakes, bunting, spitfire art and designed our own VE Day medals.