Year 6

Teacher – Mrs Sibson

TA – Mrs Godsall

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 is a very important year, but we try to make it fun as well. Being the eldest children in the school means that we have a responsibility to set an excellent example to the rest of the school. We prepare for High School by taking on responsibilities around our school and looking after our younger peers. We are given roles as prefects, dinner monitors and buddies who work with Reception to help them learn. Our aim is to be the best that we can be, which we do by working hard, becoming more independent and making sure that we find enjoyment in all that we do. We are a dynamic class and we embrace new challenges; we set ourselves targets and we try our hardest to reach them. Our teaching assistant, Mrs Godsall, is always here to help. Being creative in our learning means life is never dull.

At St Peter’s, our goal is to create successful, confident and independent individuals who will develop into active and responsible citizens. By the end of Year 6, we know that the children will have developed significantly – both academically and socially. During the spring term, the children will begin to prepare for the SATs which take place in May. The children will have a wide range of support during this time and will be given every opportunity to reach their full potential. If you have any questions about the coming terms, please get in contact and I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have.

Mrs Sibson


Welcome to Year 6 letter

Here is a list of recommended reads for Year 6.  Please ask- we may have a copy in our classroom or school library if you are interested in any of these texts.  Book list for Year 6

For our class novel, we are reading Can You See Me? by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott.  

Year 6 Prayers

Please find a copy of the prayers that we use in school. You can also use this at home.  Year 6 Prayer Booklet


Knowledge Organisers

Please note we are unable to display some knowledge organisers due to copyright. If you would like access to missing knowledge organisers for art, D&T or computing, please contact school and we’ll be happy to provide these.

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Art Contact us Contact us Contact us Contact us    
Computing Computing Computing Computing Computing Computing
 N/A D&T N/A    N/A  D&T
French       French
Geography N/A Geography N/A N/A Geography
 N/A History  N/A History
History N/A
Music Music Music Music Music  
Science Science Science Science Science   

Safe Squad

Safe Squad visit Year 6 to provide a series of workshops focusing on online safety, personal safety and community safety.  


Children in Year 6 taking part in two days of cycle training on our school playground and around the local area.

Design and Technology

The children of Year 6 planned a three course meal as part of their ‘Come Dine with Me’ design and technology project.  They all had the opportunity to create their own stir fry.

Tameside East Foodbank for Harvest

Our Year 6 pupils with items the school collected for our local foodbank. 


Miss Southall has been teaching the children different commands in French. Écoutez! Regardez! Danser!

Reading Champions

Three of our Year 6 pupils joined a Zoom call with children from other Tameside schools and Tameside Libraries  to look at promoting reading across school.  They presented posters that they have made looking at why reading for pleasure is so important.  


In our topic of ‘Living Things and their Habitats’, we explored out school grounds to collect leaves.  We looked at the characteristics of individual leaves and then worked in groups to design a key.  


All the learning in this unit is focused around one song: Happy, a Pop song by Pharrell Williams. The children have been learning to sing along to it in two parts and play along with the song on the glockenspiels.  


We have been looking at comparing and ordering numbers up to 10,000,000.  We took this to the hall to order decimals numbers in maths.

Art and Design Skills- Impressionism

Year 6 have started the new academic year developing their art and design skills.  In our first lesson, the children were given one sixth of ‘The Japanese Footbridge’ by Claude Monet as a vertical strip and  then practised mixing and applying paint to match the original.

Big Arts Week

Welcome to Year 6’s Art Gallery for Big Arts Week.  Our  artwork has been inspired by the city of New York and some of the city’s famous artists including Keith Haring, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.


Year 6 visited Llandudno to support their learning in geography contrasting another locality in the UK to Stalybridge.  We had a fabulous day.  

Rotary Club of Tameside

We welcomed the Tameside Rotary Club to our Friday assembly to present dictionaries to the Year 6 children.

Art- Still life composition

Year 6 worked in groups to create a composition to sketch ideas for a still life study.

Celebrating the King’s Coronation 

We celebrated King Charles’ Coronation with a picnic with the rest of the school.  Olivia, our dance teacher, worked with the class on a dance and movement representing pledges we are going to make to help the environment.

Maths Outdoor Learning

We took our preparation for our upcoming assessments in maths outside with an arithmetic paper treasure hunt. Freddie, Joshua and Charlotte completed the most correct answers- well done!


We welcomed friends, families and parishioners to our CAFOD café in the school hall- raising money for projects overseas, 

Holy Trinity visit 

Holy Trinity Church in Stalybridge invited Year 6 to their Easter and Lenten reflection.  

Cheetham Park sponsored walk

Year 5 and Year 6 took part in our Lenten sponsored walk in Cheetham Park to raise money for Willow Wood and CAFOD. 

British Science Week

To explore this year’s British Science Week’s theme of ‘Connections’, the children of Year 6 worked together creating rockets to explore the question ‘What factors affect how a rocket moves?’

World Maths Day

Take a look at the ‘curves of pursuit’ the children created in Year 6. 


The children in Year 6 have been given access to Rollama to use in school and class to practice spelling, grammar and punctuation through mini-games.  Mrs Sibson’s llama is called Heather! 

World Book Day 2023

Year 6 enjoyed celebrating this year’s World Book Day with different reading activities.  Mrs Walker popped in to read ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ to the class and we also had a visit from Mrs McClure in the afternoon.  The children also had the opportunity to develop their own book character based on other literary heroes!



Exploring art with a message, Year 6 looked at the famous ‘Guernica’ by Picasso and the confronting works of Käthe Kollwitz and through the mediums of graffiti, drawing, painting and sculpture, pupils created their own artworks.


Bikeability 2023

Children in Year 6 taking part in two days of cycle training on our school playground and around the local area.

Design and Technology- Food

Chinese stir fry D&T project


Our weekly music lessons involve singing and learning about musical notation.  Here the children are playing the glockenspiels.  

Year 6 have the opportunity to participate in events with our school choir throughout the year including taking part in Young Voices with thousands of other school children at the AO Arena in Manchester.

Christmas activities


Year 6 made 2023 calendars to take home reflecting the different seasons of the year.  


Children were given one sixth of ‘The Japanese Footbridge’ by Claude Monet as a vertical strip, to accurately draw what they see on their fraction of the painting and then practise mixing and applying paint to match the original.

Art project- Stalybridge views

A selection of textile collages made by Year 6 which featured in the the ‘Views of Stalybridge’ art exhibition at the Stalybridge Civic Centre.

Wear it Yellow Day

We said ‘Hello Yellow’ to mark World Mental Health Day!

Science- leaf classification 

In our ‘Living things and their habitats’ topic, the class were asked to classify leaves they had found and looked at making classification keys.  

Science- outdoor learning


Exploring our local park, Cheetham Park, in science to look at seasonal changes and collecting data/ samples for an investigation. 

Prayer share- The Rosary

To celebrate the holy month of the Rosary, Year 6 invited parents/ carers to a class prayer share.