School Meals


Primary School Catering – School Meal Price: 16th October 2023

It is council policy to review fees and charges on a regular basis, to maintain income to sustain the current level of service. 

With effect from 16th October 2023, the price of a standard, two course, fully inclusive meal will be £2.95 per pupil. The value of Free meals tokens/vouchers will also be confirmed. The price of school meals in Tameside remains competitive within the Greater Manchester Area.

From September 2014 – every infant child is eligible to a school meal free of charge due to Government legislation.

School Meals  – Dinner money for Summer 2 will be £85.55 (29 meals). A reminder to parents that any arrears on dinner money after 10 meals then parents will be expected to provide their child with a packed lunch. If you have a query regarding any outstanding monies please contact the school office. If these are paid online please ensure that the correct option is selected when making payment.
To view the latest menu click on the tab SCHOOL MEALS – MENUS you will notice we will still be serving Jacket Potatoes by popular demand.

Healthy Eating & Packed Lunch Policy

Healthy packed lunchesplease can I ask parents to check the amount of sugar contained in children’s packed lunch. Most children’s yoghurts, especially the tube yoghurts have high sugar content.  Also fruit winders are not fresh fruit and contain sugar and can be defined sweets.  Many children’s packed lunches cannot be classed as healthy due to amount of sugar being consumed.  Sugar contained in school dinners is controlled for e.g. the dessert option is a yoghurt or a cake/biscuit item, not both.