Headteacher: Mrs K. Ryan
BA (Hons), PGCE |
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs S. Barber
BA (Hons), PGCE |
Mrs G. Kirkpatrick – BA (Hons), PGCE | Mrs K. Walker – BA (Hons) with QTS |
Mrs S. Cooke – BSc (Hons), PGCE | Miss K. Cooper – BA (Hons) with QTS |
Miss C. Cavanagh – BA (Hons), PGCE | Mrs S. Sibson – BA (Hons), PGCE |
Mr L. Hartney – BA (Hons), PGCE | Mrs S. Walker – BSc (Hons), PGCE |
Mrs S. Davenport – BA (Hons), QTS, NASENDCO | SENDCO – Mrs R. Russell: BSc (Hons), PGCE, NASENDCO |
Governors’ Statement –September 2024
St Peter’s, being a Catholic School in the Diocese of Shrewsbury, is dedicated to providing the best education possible for all the children in school, rooted in the teachings and gospel values of the Catholic Church.
The three central functions of governing boards are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. (DfE)
As in all schools, the first priority for the Governing Board is to ensure that our pupils achieve the best they are capable of and make the best possible progress, in a nurturing learning environment, where each child is valued and all families are welcomed.
There are 12 governors:
- 7 foundation governors (appointed by the Diocese of Shrewsbury)
- 2 parent governors (elected by parents & guardians)
- the headteacher
- 1 staff governor
- 1 local authority governor (approved by Tameside MBC)
Governor Training
All governors are required to maintain and improve their knowledge and understanding of the standards and working of the school and the wider issues affecting education in England. Training courses and regular updates are provided by the Diocese of Shrewsbury and by Corpus Christi Catholic Academy Trust, both in person and online. Our governors regularly access these opportunities.
We pay for the services of a professional clerk from One Education. Mr Ali Hussain became our clerk in September 2018 and is a source of advice, information and clarification – as well as producing clear and accurate minutes.
Listed here are examples of the activities, processes and systems that contribute to the effective leadership and monitoring of ongoing school improvement.
School Development Plan (SDP)
The School Development Plan is presented for approval by the Headteacher, at the second Local Governing Board meeting in October. The Governing Board receives updates from the Headteacher on the progress of its implementation at the subsequent termly meetings.
Standards and Safeguarding
The Standards and Safeguarding Committee meets termly. This committee scrutinises progress data for each class in school and receives reports from the Headteacher and from time to time, other staff, on curricular progress, attainment and developments.
Assessment data is presented and explained so that governors are able to establish and maintain a firm grasp of the standards and progress achieved on a class-by-class basis by children throughout the school, giving an opportunity to governors to question and challenge the school’s leaders on the impact of their work and to compare the school’s outcomes against all other and similar schools in Tameside and nationally.
On planned cycles, this committee also receives pastoral and attendance reports and reviews and updates policies.
Financial Management & Monitoring
The governing body meets termly, at the LGB meeting for Strategic Planning, Finance and Resources, to review the impact of financial planning and to scrutinize and plan the allocation of resources for the current and future years. This includes budget costs of materials, of the physical environment of the school, of running costs and staffing costs and salaries.
The link governor for Finance (Mr Lowe) meets with Mrs Murray, the School Business Manager, ahead of this meeting to scrutinize the school’s financial position.
The governing body statement of behaviour principles
The overriding principle for the governing body is that good behaviour in school is essential to ensure that all pupils can benefit from the opportunities provided by education. The Governing Body believes that high standards of behaviour must underpin every aspect of this school’s work. They know that good behaviour enables all pupils to benefit from a high quality of education without interruption or disruption. Good behaviour ensures that all pupils thrive, make good progress and enjoy school.
To promote excellent standards of behaviour the governing body has put into place a behaviour policy that sets the expectation for the behaviour of all in school.
The behaviour policy is based on the following principles:
- All pupils and staff have the right to feel and be safe in school.
- Mutual respect will be the basis for all behaviour and relationships.
- The statutory rights of groups that have been established in the Equality Act 2010 will be upheld at all times. Any discriminatory behaviour will be managed according to the principles of our school behaviour policy.
- Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths and cultures and lifestyles will underpin the good behaviour that is expected of all.
- Parents and carers will be encouraged to support the school’s behaviour policy.
- The expected standards of behaviour will be shared with and explained to all pupils.
- The behaviour policy will be consistently applied by all staff and regularly monitored for its effectiveness.
- Good behaviour will be commended and rewarded, and sanctions will be applied where behaviour falls below the expected standard.
- Good behaviour will underpin the ethos of this school, making it a happy and safe place which pupils and staff enjoy attending.
Our school behaviour policy is supported by other policies which have also been put into place to ensure that good behaviour is established in all aspects of the school’s life and work. Specifically, these are our policies on: Anti-Bullying, Child Protection and Safeguarding, Computing – Acceptable Use, E-Safety, Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing, Suspensions and Exclusions and SEND. The governing body delegates the implementation of the behaviour policy to the headteacher and staff and it fully supports them as they apply the principles of that policy in the day to day running of the school. The governing body will review this statement of principles annually, and when they find it necessary.
Other Committees
Other committees which meet during the year are:
- Admissions Committee
- Pay Committee
- Headteacher Performance Management and Review
There are committees which need to meet only as the need arises; these are:
- Discipline, Grievance, Capability and Appeals Committees (staff)
- Pupil Discipline Committee (pupil exclusions)
- Complaints Committee (parental complaints); this would convene only after the Complaints Policy procedures have been exhausted.
- Pay Appeals Committee
- Appointments Committee
- Headteacher Appointment Committee (this may well include all governors)
Governor Visits To School
All governors are encouraged and are expected to be familiar with the school; to see the school at work. This includes visits to lessons to witness teaching and learning for themselves, to see the physical learning environment of the school and to liaise with individual staff for specific information-sharing purposes – for instance for Special Needs, Safeguarding, subject responsibilities or Pupil Premium programmes and outcomes.
Governor Professional Expertise
Although Governors work entirely as volunteers on behalf of the school, the governors have employment backgrounds in administration, authorship, business, education & training, finance, insurance, law, police, trade union leadership and sales. Thus, they bring a wide and varied range of skills and experience to the task of leading and monitoring. Many governors are current or former parents of the school, which is indicative of a high degree of understanding, commitment and loyalty.
Staff Recruitment
Governors participate in all staff appointments. The more senior the post, the greater the number and degree of governor involvement.
Appointments processes in all cases adhere strictly to Safer Recruitment principles and requirements.
Rev Philip Atkinson
Category: Foundation Governor
Appointing Body: Diocese of Shrewsbury
Term of Office: until 31 August, 2026
Fr Philip has been parish priest here at St Peter’s for several years, before which he was parish priest at two other parishes in Shrewsbury Diocese, and was a governor at two previous schools. He is also a governor at St Raphael’s, Stalybridge.
Mr Mark Lowe
Category: Elected Parent Governor
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: until 31 December, 2026
Mr Lowe has a finance background, working as a Personal Finance Advisor. He has served on the governing body for 10 years and his three older children have previously attended St Peter’s. His youngest child attends school.
Mr Philip Murphy
Category: Foundation Governor
Appointing Body: Diocese of Shrewsbury
Term of Office: until 31 August, 2025
Mr Murphy has served as Governor since 2012, the last 8 years as Chair, having retired from Primary Headship in Stockport in 2011. Prior to that he was as Deputy Head at St Raphael’s for 4 years , having taught here at St Peter’s for 11 years (during which time he served as teacher Governor).
His four children attended St Peter’s.
Mrs Jennifer Crane
Category: Foundation Governor
Appointing Body: Diocese of Shrewsbury
Term of Office: until 31 August, 2027
Mrs Crane is a regulatory lawyer. She has three children, the eldest of whom is a pupil at St Peter’s.
Mr Dave Taylor (Chair)
Category: Foundation Governor
Appointing Body: Diocese of Shrewsbury
Term of Office: until 31 August, 2027
Mr. Taylor has spent most of his career in policing with Greater Manchester Police. He is currently the Deputy Secretary of UNISON’s Greater Manchester Police branch. He is also qualified to teach in post-compulsory education. Mr Taylor has previously served as a Governor of St Peter’s. He has three children, all of whom attended St Peter’s.
Mrs Katherine Ryan (Headteacher)
Category: Headteacher
Appointing Body: Diocese of Shrewsbury
Term of Office: ongoing
Mrs Ryan was appointed as Acting Headteacher in April 2020. She initially taught at St Peter’s for several years before moving into Special Education for 8 years & then was reappointed here in 2012. Mrs Ryan has a wealth of expertise in Early Years & KS1 and has served school in the role of Acting Deputy Headteacher following Mrs Summersgill’s retirement. Both her own children attended St. Peter’s School.
Mrs Ann-Marie Worrall (Vice Chair) & Safeguarding Governor
Category: Foundation Governor
Appointing Body: Diocese of Shrewsbury
Term of Office: until 31 August, 2028
Mrs Worrall has served as governor for 14 years and has been Vice Chair for the last 5 years. She works as an Insurance Compliance Officer. She regularly volunteers in school, taking a very active interest in many school activities. Her children attended St Peter’s.
Mrs Dolores Gordon-Smith
Category: Local Authority Governor
Appointing Body: Tameside MBC
Term of office: 11 February, 2028
Mrs Gordon-Smith is a published novelist and a qualified teacher. She has for a time worked as a Midday Assistant at St Peter’s and her five children all attended the school. Mrs Gordon-Smith is an active member of St Peter’s parish, and attends mass at St Peter’s Church weekly.
Mrs Elaine Birch
Category: Foundation Governor
Appointing Body: Diocese of Shrewsbury
Term of Office: until 1 December, 2028
Mrs Birch’s career was in the Civil Service, the last 5 of which were spent in Personnel/HR Management. She was employed as the Human Resources Manager at Ashton 6th Form College for 10 years until retirement in 2016. She is a Leader at St Peter’s Guide and Rainbow Units and is actively involved in the Parish community. Both her daughters attended St Peter’s.
Mrs Eleanor Wills
Category: Foundation
Appointing Body: Diocese of Shrewsbury
Term of Office: until 31 August, 2028
Mrs Wills serves as a Local Councillor and is the leader of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council. She has three children, and the two younger ones attend our school.
Mrs Gemma Kirkpatrick
Category: Staff governor
Appointing Body: Governing Body
Term of Office: until 14 February, 2026
Committees: Curriculum & Standards
Mrs Kirkpatrick has taught at St Peter’s for 5 years. She currently teaches Reception Class. She has two children in school and was herself a pupil at St Peter’s.
Mrs Claire Jackson
Local Governing Body Meetings:
– Standards and Safeguarding – Strategic Planning, Finance and Resources |
QUORUM 3 | David Taylor, Ann Marie Worrall, Phil Murphy, Elaine Birch, Jennifer Crane, Dolores Gordon-Smith, Mark Lowe, Eleanor Wills, Father Philip Atkinson, Gemma Kirkpatrick, Katherine Ryan
In Attendance: Kaye Murray (School Business Manager) Sinead Barber (Deputy Headteacher) |
Admissions | QUORUM 3 | Fr Philip Atkinson, Dolores Gordon-Smith, David Taylor, Ann-Marie Worrall, Katherine Ryan |
Complaints Committee(Parental complaints) | QUORUM 3 | Any eligible Governor |
Pupil Discipline Committee (Pupil Exclusions) |
QUORUM 3 | Any eligible Governor (Members should have attended training on Exclusions) |
Appointed Governors for Headteacher Performance Review | QUORUM 2 | Fr Philip Atkinson, Mark Lowe, David Taylor, Ann-Marie Worrall |
In Attendance: Sacha Humphries (Chief Executive Officer of Corpus Christi Catholic Academy Trust) | ||
Pay Committee | QUORUM 3 | Fr Philip Atkinson, Mark Lowe, David Taylor, Ann-Marie Worrall
In attendance: Katherine Ryan |
Pay Appeals Committee | QUORUM 3 | Any eligible Governor not on the original Pay Committee |
Discipline, Grievance and Capability Committee | QUORUM 3 | Any eligible Governor |
Discipline, Grievance and Capability Appeal Committee | QUORUM 3 | Any other eligible governor not on the original Discipline and Grievance Committee |
Appointment of Headteacher | All governors | |
Appointments Committee (Teaching and Support Staff) | Any eligible Governor |
Pecuniary Interests
As a governing body, the governors state the following pecuniary interests:
- Fr Philip – Foundation governor at St James’ Catholic Primary School
- Mrs Kirkpatrick – Staff, Parent and Family member of a member of staff
- Mr Lowe – Parent
- Mrs Wills -Parent
- Mrs Worrall – Foundation governor at All Saints Catholic High School
- Mrs Crane – Parent
- Mr Taylor – Family member of a member of staff
Attendance at Governor Meetings, 2020-21
Attendance at Governor Meetings, 2021-22
Attendance at Governor Meetings, 2022-23
Class Link Governors 2024-25 | |
Nursery | Mark Lowe |
Reception | Phil Murphy |
1 | Ann Marie Worrall |
2 | |
3 | Jennifer Crane |
4 | Elaine Birch |
5 | Dolores Gordon-Smith |
6 | Eleanor Wills |
Subject Link Governors:
Core Subjects
Teacher | Governor | |
English | Mrs Russell | Dave Taylor |
Maths | Mrs Barber | Phil Murphy |
RE | Mrs Sibson | Fr Philip Atkinson |
Science | Mrs Cooke | Claire Jackson |
Foundation Subjects
Teacher | Governor | |
Art & Design | Miss Cavanagh | Elaine Birch |
Computing | Mrs Kirkpatrick | Mark Lowe |
Design & Technology | Mr Hartney | Elaine Birch |
Geography | Mrs Sibson | Jennifer Crane |
History | Miss Cooper | Dolores Gordon-Smith |
Modern Foreign Languages | Mrs Walker | Ann-Marie Worrall |
Music | Mrs K Walker | Dave Taylor |
PE | Miss Southall | Dolores Gordon-Smith |
Leadership and Management Areas
Teacher | Governor | |
Child Protection and Safeguarding | DSL: Mrs Ryan
Deputy DSLs: Mrs Barber, Mrs Russell |
Ann-Marie Worrall |
Faith | Mrs Sibson | Father Philip Atkinson |
Standards | Mrs Barber | Claire Jackson |
Early Years | Mrs K Walker | Jennifer Crane |
Attendance | Mrs Russell | Ann Marie Worrall |
Cared For Children | Mrs Ryan | Phil Murphy |
Pupil Premium (attainment and progress) | Mrs Cooke | Phil Murphy |
RSHE | Mrs Barber | Claire Jackson |
SEND, Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing | Mrs Russell | Phil Murphy |
Health and Safety | Mrs Ryan, Mrs K Murray and Mrs Taylor | Elaine Birch |
Finance and Pupil Premium (resources) | Mrs K Murray | Mark Lowe |