Mini Vinnies

About Mini Vinnies:

Mini Vinnies are a worldwide group of young people aged between 7-11 who are part of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) and are, quite literally, mini St Vincentians.

Our St. Peter’s Mini Vinnies meet weekly to learn more about prayer and the importance of practical work. Our meetings focus on prayer, a scripture readings, reflection and discuss how they can help their family, friends, the local community and people in need, particularly those in developing countries. Mini Vinnies work to turn concern into action as they use the simple formula, ‘See, Think, Do!’

Meet our Mini Vinnies!

Mini Vinnie President

Vice President



Communications Officer


Mini Vinnies Coat Appeal

This Advent, our Mini Vinnies have run an appeal for coats, blankets and toiletries to help the homeless people of Manchester. Thank you to our whole school community for the huge amount of Donations we received. Our Mini Vinnies handed these over to Barnabus charity this week, who were very grateful for all our fundraising efforts.

Autumn Harvest Collection

Thank you to all our school community for their generous donations to our Autumn Harvest collection. Our Mini Vinnies took all donated food to the food bank collection point at Tesco’s.

Young Vincentians’ Mass

On Tuesday 12th November, our Mini Vinnies attended a mass at Our lady and the Apostles church in Stockport with Mini Vinnies from schools across Manchester.

Each school prepared a piece of artwork around about Pilgrims of Hope, and these were displayed during the mass. Following the mass, the children attended an activity session prepared by the young Vincentians from Aquinas College. The children learnt about the core values of being a Mini Vinnie. See. Think. Act.


Mini Vinnie’s Advent collection for pre-loved Winter coats and for toiletries 

Gather The Family

Our Mini Vinnies planned and ran a coffee afternoon for our families, neighbours, and parishioners. We connected over a brew and a quiz to help combat loneliness and feelings of isolation. We tied our coffee afternoon in with the birthdays of St Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frédéric Ozanam to gather our SVP family to honour the legacy of both men and look to the future filled with hope.