Charitable support

Royal British Legion

Every year we support the Royal British Legion.  Again this year it was very well supported, on sale were pin badges, rulers, pencils, rubbers and sharpeners and the traditional paper poppies.  Well done to children in  who worked hard in their break times selling the poppies for this worthy charity.  We raised a wonderful amount £280.36 for this very worth charity.


Thank you for your generosity and continued support.


Throughout the year school and nursery raises money in various ways for CAFOD. Please see below for the amounts raised so far in 2023/24 and 2024/25.

Cafod Family Fast Day – The amount raised was £91.76.

Lenten Fundraising 2024 – The amount raised was £382.81

 Click on the website link below to see how your fundraising continues to help those in need. 

Lenten Fundraising

Throughout Lent each class helps to raise monies to be donated to school’s chosen charities.  In 2024 the total amount of money donated to these worthy charities was £2606.23 .  This year the children did a sponsored Bunny Hop for Willow Wood which raised £2223.42 as well as the Year 6 Cafod Café, weekly toast and bread sticks which raised £382.81. Thanks to parents and children for all their help with the fundraising. The money raised has been donated to CAFOD and Willow Wood Hospice.

If you would like to find out more information on some of the organisations that we have supported click on the relevant links below.

CAFOD website

Little Way Association

Willow Wood Hospice

Mary’s Meals

The school continues to supports this very worthy charity.  

Toastie Friday 22nd November 2024– Sincere thanks also to the families who came to school early on Friday morning to have a piece of toast in support of Mary’s Meals. Mr White from St. Peter’s parish commented that it was so pleasing to see such a crowd! The amount raised for Mary’s Meals was £98.50 which is enough to feed 200 children.  

Please click on the website link below to find out more information. 

Mary’s Meals website



Thank you for your continued support.

Willow Wood Hospice 

Throughout the year school  raises money for our local hospice.  In December the children’s school productions money donated at the door by parents, carers, grandparents totalled £296.91.  The money is to be shared between Willow Wood Hospice and Francis House Children’s Hospice two great causes.  

Lenten Fundraising 2024 – The amount raised was £2223.42

Willow Wood Hospice website

Francis House Children’s Hospice

Every year we support this very worth cause.  This year the money collected from the 2023 Christmas productions programme sales and donated at the door was a wonderful £296.91.  This amount is shared with our donation to Willow Wood Hospice.

The amount raised from the summer 2024 Year 6 production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ door collection and programme sales was £165.19.

Francis House Children’s Hospice

Samaritans Purse

School created 27 boxes for this year’s appeal.  Well done everyone! Thank you for your kind donations for a very worthy cause.  To find out more information about this worthy cause click on the link below:

Samaritans Purse website

Mission Together

Mission Together is the Catholic Church’s official overseas charity for children.

Every year children take home a red Mission Box and collect any spare change. The money that school has raised in 2023 was £66.83.  The money is used to provide healthcare to children abroad.  

Mission Together not only ask for money but also prayers for those children around the world less fortunate than us.

Thank you for your generosity and continued support.

Mission Together website

Children In Need 

To celebrate Children In Need this year the whole school wore either something spotty or Pudsey colours on Friday 15th November 2024.  It was suggested in 2024 a 50p voluntary donation was given by the pupils for this worthy cause, the total fundraising amounted to £115.00 Well done everybody!

BBC Children In Need website



Reuben’s Retreat

This year we have supported this wonderful charity.  Reuben’s legacy, was  founded in 2012 and is a local retreat in keeping families at the heart of everything they do.  This year we were able to gather together as a school for the first in person production since the pandemic.  The Year 6 leavers’ production ‘Forever Treasure Island’  in July 2022 was a wonderful performance, every child worked extremely hard and as a great team to put on this show. Thank you also to the staff for their energy and enthusiasm, and to our audiences for their participation and support.  The door collection amounted to £134.17.

Reuben’s Retreat

Third World Group

St. Peter’s Third World Group has been part of the St. Peter’s And St. Raphael’s Parish for many years . One of the areas that they support is St. Peter’s Gambia School. As a school we have always donated equipment, uniform and stationary.

Please click on the flyer for more information as to what is needed St. Peter’s Gambia

Royal Manchester Childrens Hospital

As a school, we supported the patients at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital with Be Seen in Green…or Blue 2021 on Wednesday 30th June. Our Mini Vinnies in Year 6 coordinated this appeal. We asked all the children and staff to take part with a donation of £1 to wear your own clothes. In addition to this, they were able to purchase RMCH merchandise through school. The amount raised was £582.80.

Love of Lacey

Lacey Warburton, age 7, was a bright vibrant little girl, enjoying her summer holidays when she suddenly and inexplicably passed away. The trauma that her parents, brother and extended family and friends have experienced and are still experiencing is unimaginable.

The family are supported by each other and their friends which is a blessing.

Ray and Jodie have set up the charity ‘Love of Lacey’ to provide support to other families who find themselves in such dreadful circumstances. As Lacey was a pupil at St Peter’s we are committed to the memory of Lacey but also we are supporting her charity in a variety of ways.

Registered Charity Number 1183876 Love of Lacey – registered charity

Monies raised totalled to £370.74 to support Lacey’s charity.

Thank you for your continued support.