Disability Awareness Week
We enjoyed a visit from Mr Matt Walker, a paralympic athlete who showed the children photos of himself visiting the …More
We enjoyed a visit from Mr Matt Walker, a paralympic athlete who showed the children photos of himself visiting the …More
Congratulations to Mollie in Year 6- Greater Manchester champion in gymnastics. We wish her all the luck at the national …More
Friday 4th October is CAFOD Harvest Fast Day. Children are invited to bring a tin or packet to school to …More
Open days for Reception places are now available to book. School visits are carried out by Mrs Ryan, in small …More
Below are pictures from our Big Arts Week 2024
Good luck to our football team in your match against Hollingworth School this week! Play well, play safely and enjoy …More
Thank you to Father Philip for a lovely mass this week. Thank you to the children for joining in with …More
Congratulations to our swimming team, who won the Catholic Small Schools’ Swimming Gala! All of us were extremely proud of …More
Alan Millea Cup – A strong St Peter’s team dominated the first half against Arlies and were unlucky to end …More
It was great to welcome all members of Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides to school in their uniforms …More