Teacher – Mrs Sibson
TA – Mrs Godsall
Welcome to Year 6
Year 6 is a very important year, but we try to make it fun as well. Being the eldest children in the school means that we have a responsibility to set an excellent example to the rest of the school. We prepare for High School by taking on responsibilities around our school and looking after our younger peers. We are given roles as prefects, dinner monitors and buddies who work with Reception to help them learn. Our aim is to be the best that we can be, which we do by working hard, becoming more independent and making sure that we find enjoyment in all that we do. We are a dynamic class and we embrace new challenges; we set ourselves targets and we try our hardest to reach them. Our teaching assistant, Mrs Godsall, is always here to help. Being creative in our learning means that life is never dull!
At St Peter’s, our goal is to create successful, confident and independent individuals who will develop into active and responsible citizens. By the end of Year 6, we know that the children will have developed significantly – both academically and socially. During the spring term, the children will begin to prepare for the SATs which take place in May. The children will have a wide range of support during this time and will be given every opportunity to reach their full potential. If you have any questions about the coming terms, please get in contact and I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have.
Mrs Sibson
Here is a list of recommended reads for Year 6. Please ask us- we may have a copy of these books in our classroom or school library if you are interested in any of these texts. Book list for Year 6
For our class novel, we are reading Can You See Me? by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott.
Year 6 Prayers
Please find a link to the prayers that we use in school. You can also use this at home: Year 6 Prayer Booklet
World Book Day
In science, we are learning about the circulatory system. We went outside to act out how blood passes through the heart and the rest of the body.
We have been exploring the purpose and creation of a census by describing what a census is and what it is used for, extracting information from the 1851 census and collecting information for a class census.
Big Data topic- we have been understanding the use of big data including barcodes, QR codes and RFID technologies. We have been learning to use spreadsheets/ graphs on Google Sheets.
In this unit, Year 6 have explored creative photographic techniques, creating new images through photomontage, understanding photorealistic self-portraits, and applied digital photography to art design, enhancing their skills in composition and editing.
We have been evaluating the effects of yeast in baking our own bread. This is part of our topic that looks at microorganisms.
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Good news
Congratulations to Mollie in Year 6- Greater Manchester champion in gymnastics. We wish her all the luck at the national competition next month.