Teacher – Mr Hartney
Teaching Assistant – Mrs Broadbent
Welcome to Year 5
Year 5 is an exciting year at St Peter’s. This year the children take on additional responsibilities as play leaders supporting our younger infant children at lunchtime. We enjoy a great residential at Robinwood building our relationships and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone in amazing challenges. We take the next steps in our academic work, developing our knowledge and understanding across a wide range of subjects in exciting ways, and making links through all that we do.
During Guided Reading sessions, we use a diverse range of texts. These include extracts from classic literature, poetry, and non-fiction. Our current class novel is Clockwork, by Philip Pullman.
Year 5 Prayers
Please find a link to the prayers that we use in school. You can also use this at home: Year 5 Prayer Booklet
Science – Planets
As part of our science topic on space, year 5 made playdough models of our solar system, with planets in order from the Sun to Neptune.
Art – African ‘feelings’ masks
In art, the children design and made their own tribal masks which showed how they were feeling on the inside in comparison to how they looked on the outside.
Art – Installation Art
Year 5 have been learning about installation art – visual artwork that can be constructed from a variety of materials and can be created in a variety of locations – and used objects from around our school to create their own pieces of installation art on our playground.
Art – Installation Art – space and scale
Year 5 continued their learning on installation art by creating a scaled-down model of an installation space. The children worked in small groups to design and construct their models, which we linked to our science topic of space. We experimented with technique, positioning stencils inside a box and then applying material such as charcoal, glitter or paint and figures. The box was then photographed to appear like a life-sized room.
Science – Forces
As part of year 5’s science topic on forces, we have been learning about resistance. Our class tested this out by running outside on the playground and then repeating this whilst holding a large sheet of foam. This created a larger surface area and therefore more resistance. The children noted the changes in how it felt whilst running, Eva also noticed that when running with the foam, she didn’t need to hold it as the resistance whilst moving kept the foam against her hands!
Design Technology – Doodle Bots
In DT the children designed and built their own Doodle Bots. We completed an electrical circuit to run the motor which was attached to a paper cup and felt tips to create a moving bot that doodles! The children tested their bots and adjusted their designs to fix any design problems encountered.
RE – Pilgrims of Hope
As we enter the Church’s Jubilee year, we have been thinking about becoming Pilgrims of Hope. The class thought about what hope means to them and created some wonderful posters.
World Book Day 2025
For World Book Day our children came to school dressed as characters from their favourite books and we enjoyed a variety of activites including writing our own short stories. We had a visit from local charity, Reuben’s Retreat, and Reu the Rainbow Gnu shared his story with the whole school.