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Welcome to Reception! 
September 2023

Teachers – Miss. B Southall (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs. G Kirkpatrick (Thursday-Friday)
TA – Mrs C. Green

In Reception, your children will spend their days exploring the various areas of provision our classroom and Percy’s Park outdoors, making new friends and building upon existing friendships. We work together through the Early Years Curriculum to learn new skills, share new experiences and have lots of fun! 

Here are some reminders about our routines and expectations: 

Water Bottles- Your child will need to bring a water bottle to school every day which they will have constant access to in the classroom. Water bottles will be refilled as necessary and returned home each evening. 

Reading– We hear the children read at least once a week and then they take the book home. Please share this book at least 4/5 times each week and leave us a comment to let us know how your child has done or what you have discussed. Books are changed on a Friday; we ask that you send your child’s book into school every day as their reading day in school may be subject to change. 

Spelling– As your child becomes more confident with their literacy skills, we will send home some harder to read or spell (tricky) Words. These words are tricky because they cannot use their phonic knowledge to sound out. They just need to learn to read and write them independently. We will check them regularly to see if they are ready for the next set of tricky words.

PE– PE day is a Monday; please send your child with their kit from the first Monday each half term. will remain in school for the whole half term. Please support your child in becoming independent at getting dressed and undressed to support these skills in school. Getting changed for PE will be a gradual process each week, so your child’s kit might stay in school for the first two half terms if they have not worn their full kit for every PE lesson. 

Homework– Your child will be given a small challenge to take home each week – this might be linked to English, maths, RE or another area we have been working on in class. It will be sent home in their books on a Friday to be returned on a Monday. It would be a great help if you could make a comment on the homework to let us know how your child found the challenge and how much support they needed. 

Tapestry– We will be using Tapestry to document ‘wow’ moments throughout the week. You will soon receive instructions to set up your account. Tapestry is a fantastic tool that allows us to capture and assess children’s learning, and for you to share in their time at school. We would ask that you do not send us any messages via Tapestry and to email the school office, call or visit us with any queries. This is because we might not see your message as promptly on Tapestry as we would like. 

We welcome you to come to us with any questions or queries you might have about your child or school. Our door is open each morning; we would ask that you visit us before 8.30 so that we can ensure we are ready for the children.
You may also email non-urgent queries to: or call the school and leave a message.

We are so excited to spend this year supporting your children to learn, play, explore and develop new skills. 

Thank you for your support, 

Mrs. Cooke, Mrs Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Green :-) 

RE Knowledge Organisers

YR God’s World – Autumn 1 YR God’s Family – Autumn 2 YR Getting to know Jesus – Spring 1 RE YR Sorrow and Joy – Spring 2 YR New Life – Summer 1 YR Our Church Family – Summer 2
          Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE):EYFS – I am Special and Unique

Reception Long Term Planning

Recently in Reception! 

We have been so busy in Reception! Please do keep checking Tapestry for weekly updates of what we have been doing, but here are a few photographs of what we have been up to in Spring 2 including 

A super mini beast hunt on the field! 
Learning about artist Paul Klee
Handa’s Hen – a journey to Kenya, comparing a contrasting location with ours. 

PSED: World Mental Health Day

We talked about feelings we might have, what they might look like and what we might do if we are experiencing those feelings. We talked about how it is ok to feel all of these different feelings and the things we could do if the feeling didn’t feel very nice. The children had lots of super ideas and were able to identify the feelings in the emoji pictures. They enjoyed having a go at making the faces themselves! Some children then created drawings of these feelings and we learned how to use the iPad to take photos of each other showing the different emotions.

God Loves Me!

In our time with Jesus in Reception, we have been exploring God’s beautiful world. We have been singing lots of different hymns which make us feel happy and we have talked about how God loves EVERYONE around the world, even when we make mistakes.

New School Year, New School Adventures  – Welcome Reception Class 23-24! 

We have had a very busy, but wonderful, start to the new year here in Reception! Children have been exploring their indoor and outdoor environments, getting used to new routines, going to the hall for lunch and assemblies and gathering as a class to begin sharing in some music, phonics and maths learning sessions. The focus has been on the prime areas of learning – ensuring children feel happy, safe and secure and have lots of opportunities to develop new skills and friendships. We have shared lots of circle times, practicing taking turns and talking about feelings and emotions with a little help from The Colour Monster. Here are a few pictures of our first weeks in Reception – please keep a look out for more photos on this page and on Tapestry.

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