
Welcome to our Nursery


Teacher – Miss Jones

Teaching Assistant – Miss O’Brien

Welcome to our Nursery

Miss Jones (Nursery Teacher) and Miss O’Brien (Teaching Assistant) would like to welcome you all to our Nursery unit.

Over the next few weeks, the children will be settling into their new nursery day. They will be exploring our classroom and outdoor learning area, whilst making new friends. We will be working together through the Early Years Curriculum to learn new skills and share new experiences. You can access this journey via Tapestry, our parental learning link resource.

Here is some information that may be helpful to you, as you begin your journey at St Peter’s Nursery:

During the year the children take part in lots of school activities such as Friday assemblies, masses, Learning Links Day with Reception Class, productions and prayer shares. For some of these activities we welcome parents to join us. We will let you know all about them nearer the time.

Homework- In Nursery we like to begin the routine of homework. Your child will be given a piece of homework each week. It will be sent out on a Friday to be returned on a Monday. The homework is a consolidation of what we have been learning that week in Nursery. It will be a fun activity to enjoy with your child. It gives your child the opportunity to share their new learning and skills.

Library- We will be starting a library book share, where the children will choose a library book to share at home.

Reading-we will begin to introduce reading books after February half term. We begin by sending out books without words. These books are wonderful for story comprehension, understanding, making up stories and prediction. This will then link into their spoken language development for vocabulary and sentence structure. We hear the children read once a week and then they take they book home. We encourage all parents to share the book with their child and then make a comment in the reading record.

Welly walks – We are hoping that our regular walks in the community will soon begin – watch this space, or check the newsletter for more details!

If you have any worries, concerns or super news to share, please don’t hesitate to come and see us.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Jones and Miss O’Brien

A copy of our Early Years curriculum rationale can be found on the website.  However, please feel free to speak with us after a Nursery session at any time, should you have any questions, or should you wish to discuss your child’s learning with us.

Nursery Long Term Planning

Nursery snack fund

This is payable at the beginning of the week. We ask for a weekly contribution of £2.50 per week to cover the costs of snacks, along with an additional voluntary contribution of £1.00 to pay for visitors who offer chargeable curriculum enhancements.

As the year progresses, we will post more and more photographs below of the exciting things that we do!

Scissor Skills

In nursery we have been learning how to hold the scissors and cut safely.  We will continue to practice this skill in small groups.

Mark Making in Nursery

The children enjoyed mark making on their whiteboards. They wrote the Tricky word ‘I’, drew a face and drew lines zig zags and waves.


In nursery this week we have been learning about the number 1 and the number 2. For this activity we had to match the insects to the correct numeral in the tree.

Making Sandwiches

Planting Vegetables

This links to our weekly story of Oliver’s Vegetables. We discussed foods that we liked or disliked.

Making Music

God’s Wonderful World

Outdoor Adventures
