
« Prev June 2024 Next »
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
* School opensSchool opens

* Y6 visit to LlandudnoY6 visit to Llandudno

Year 6 Class Trip to Llandudno

* Class PhotographsClass Photographs

* Big Arts WeekBig Arts Week

The week beginning 17 June in school will be spent celebrating the arts: music, dance, drama and art and design. (A little bit of design and technology may also creep into the week)! Our theme is going to be ‘movies.’ Each class will base their arts learning around a film with a universal rating. Next week we will let you know the film that each class has chosen. You may wish to send in an old adult-sized shirt to cover your child’s school uniform that week. We are asking for donations of £3 per child for this week, in order to provide extra resources for the children. Payment for this can be made online via School Money - Each child will receive a framed piece of art on the Friday of Big Arts Week which we hope you will enjoy keeping as a memento.

* Big Arts WeekBig Arts Week

The week beginning 17 June in school will be spent celebrating the arts: music, dance, drama and art and design. (A little bit of design and technology may also creep into the week)! Our theme is going to be ‘movies.’ Each class will base their arts learning around a film with a universal rating. Next week we will let you know the film that each class has chosen. You may wish to send in an old adult-sized shirt to cover your child’s school uniform that week. We are asking for donations of £3 per child for this week, in order to provide extra resources for the children. Payment for this can be made online via School Money - Each child will receive a framed piece of art on the Friday of Big Arts Week which we hope you will enjoy keeping as a memento.

* Y5 Come and Play HalleY5 Come and Play Halle

* KS1 - Football TournamentKS1 - Football Tournament

KS1 - Football Tournament after school

* Big Arts WeekBig Arts Week

The week beginning 17 June in school will be spent celebrating the arts: music, dance, drama and art and design. (A little bit of design and technology may also creep into the week)! Our theme is going to be ‘movies.’ Each class will base their arts learning around a film with a universal rating. Next week we will let you know the film that each class has chosen. You may wish to send in an old adult-sized shirt to cover your child’s school uniform that week. We are asking for donations of £3 per child for this week, in order to provide extra resources for the children. Payment for this can be made online via School Money - Each child will receive a framed piece of art on the Friday of Big Arts Week which we hope you will enjoy keeping as a memento.

* Big Arts WeekBig Arts Week

The week beginning 17 June in school will be spent celebrating the arts: music, dance, drama and art and design. (A little bit of design and technology may also creep into the week)! Our theme is going to be ‘movies.’ Each class will base their arts learning around a film with a universal rating. Next week we will let you know the film that each class has chosen. You may wish to send in an old adult-sized shirt to cover your child’s school uniform that week. We are asking for donations of £3 per child for this week, in order to provide extra resources for the children. Payment for this can be made online via School Money - Each child will receive a framed piece of art on the Friday of Big Arts Week which we hope you will enjoy keeping as a memento.

* Big Arts WeekBig Arts Week

The week beginning 17 June in school will be spent celebrating the arts: music, dance, drama and art and design. (A little bit of design and technology may also creep into the week)! Our theme is going to be ‘movies.’ Each class will base their arts learning around a film with a universal rating. Next week we will let you know the film that each class has chosen. You may wish to send in an old adult-sized shirt to cover your child’s school uniform that week. We are asking for donations of £3 per child for this week, in order to provide extra resources for the children. Payment for this can be made online via School Money - Each child will receive a framed piece of art on the Friday of Big Arts Week which we hope you will enjoy keeping as a memento.

* Athletics TournamentAthletics Tournament

Athletics Tournament - After School

* Y2 visit Manchester AirportY2 visit Manchester Airport

* PTFA Quiz NightPTFA Quiz Night

6:30pm in our School Hall! A fun night for all the family and a prize for the winning team.