Welcome to Art and Design!
Please click the links below to find out more about Art and Design at St. Peter’s.
These are our long term plans and end point curricula:

Nursery – Life Topic
Nursery have been doing detailed drawing of the children painted daffodils for their New Life topic.
Reception – Paul Klee
Reception have been looking at an artist called ‘Paul Klee’. They have been able to look at the different shapes and bright colours he uses. The children then made their own pictures in the style of Paul Klee.
Year 1 – Junk Modelling
In Year 1 the children were able to create a dragon for Chinese New Year out of Junk Modelling.
Year 2 – John Kimpton
Year 2 were looking at the artist John Kimpton and work from Rembrandt. They were able to We experiment with charcoal and chalk techniques for drawing tonal areas to create our own self-portraits. The children have been using a smudging technique to create a shadow effect.
Year 3 – Egyptian Poems
Year 3 have created beautiful Egyptian poems in their cross curricular lesson.
Year 4 – The Last Supper
Year 4 did a lovely Re and Art cross-curricular lesson on the Last Supper. The children were able to look at the photo from the Last Supper and recreate it themselves.
Year 5 – Earth and Space
In year 5 they began their science topic on earth and space. They were able to create a piece of artwork as their front cover.
Year 6 – Käthe Kollwitz
Year 6 have been looking at an artist called Käthe Kollwitz. The children were able to create a sketch of their own self portrait and then then created a 3D sculpture of their work.
Big Arts Week – 2024
Our amazing art work produced by our creative children. The theme was films.
Look at the amazing art work produced by our creative children! From self portraits, colour wheel mixing and pastel rubbings outdoors, to paintings based on Hundertwasser, Van Gogh collages and large-scale cross-curricular art projects – we simply love Art at St. Peter’s!
Art Club collaborative project
In 2022 our Art Club worked so hard learning about local artists such as LS. Lowry, Mr. Eggz and Chris Cyprus. We created a series of Stalybridge landscapes inspired by these artists and then chose Chris Cyprus to focus on to create a Stalybridge landscape using acrylic paint on canvases.